At TruHealing Hagerstown, we know that recovery is a lifelong process. Right away, the clients who come to us for addiction treatment learn that there are no shortcuts. Lifelong recovery is hard work and requires a long-term commitment. Receiving support from your peers, your family and friends, and addiction treatment professionals can help you find the inner strength you need to maintain your sobriety. One of the most useful ways that we tailor our treatment is through our gender-exclusive addiction treatment programs. Our women’s rehab program offers our clients a chance to build a strong network of support with other women in recovery.
Individuals of different genders exhibit different patterns of drug abuse. For a variety of reasons, women can be more susceptible to addiction. Our therapists and addiction treatment specialists are experienced in working with women who struggle with addiction and offer expert guidance on the journey to recovery. We offer individualized treatment plans designed to help the women in our care find lasting sobriety.

Reach out to TruHealing Hagerstown today at 833.297.4343 to learn more about our women’s rehab program and how we can help you or a loved one heal.
What to Expect from Women’s Rehab
The women’s rehab program at TruHealing Hagerstown offers a safe, supportive environment for addiction recovery. Women in recovery can benefit from having a safe space to communicate with their peers who are working to overcome addiction. It can be easier to open up about topics like motherhood, family, children, and relationships in a single-gender group.
Many women with addiction issues have been victims of violence, domestic and otherwise. And more specifically, an enormous number of women struggling with substance abuse problems have suffered verbal and physical abuse by men. Many have also been sexually assaulted. Participating in group therapy with other women who are there to listen and respond to you can be life-changing. And being able to support other women who are in a similar position to yours can be a life-changing experience too.
At our women’s rehab program, you will find a safe, nurturing environment for women. You will be met with acceptance, support, and understanding as you overcome your addiction and regain control of your life.
The Benefits of Women’s Rehab
Often, men and women begin their relationships with drugs and alcohol differently, they respond to treatment differently, and when they fail to stay sober, they do so for different reasons. It is also true that women are less likely than their male counterparts to seek treatment in the first place. At TruHealing Hagerstown, we have also learned that the different genders identify their recovery goals differently. A women’s rehab program takes these considerations into account. This allows us to offer distinct advantages over treatment centers that do not provide gender-exclusive treatment. Some of the benefits our treatment program offers include:
- More open, honest communication and support between patients, especially in group work
- Less sexual tension and less distraction
- A strong support network that will follow you through the rest of your recovery
- Treatment approaches that directly address the specific issues that women battling addiction face
You might not be sure if you are ready for rehab. Not every method works for every person. But if these advantages listed above sound like they might be right for you, it is worth getting more information. And TruHealing Hagerstown is an excellent place to start.
Learn More at TruHealing Hagerstown
Where Addiction Ends and Recovery Begins
Our addiction specialists are always ready to answer your questions and help you access the care you need. Every patient in our care receives a personalized treatment plan that takes into account their unique needs.
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